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KCET 2025 Syllabus
The Karnataka Examinations Authority (KEA) administers the state-level entrance exam known as the Karnataka Common Entrance Test (KCET) to students wishing to enroll in undergraduate programs in a variety of professional courses in Karnataka. It is mostly meant for applicants to institutions throughout Karnataka who are looking to enroll in engineering, agriculture, veterinary, pharmacy, and other related programs.
Syllabus for KCET 2025 Update
As the CET UG 2025 syllabuses for Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Biology continue to be published, UG CET 2025 applicants are notified that both the NEET UG 2025 syllabus and the JEE Mains 2025 syllabus include units on experimental skills in Physics and principles related to practical chemistry in Chemistry. Furthermore, the JEE Mains 2025 syllabus and the NEET UG 2025 syllabus share these units.
Therefore, in continuation of publication of the CET UG 2025 syllabus in PCMB subjects, the syllabus on Experimental Skills in Physics as Unit X (an additional unit) in Physics, the syllabus on Principles related to Practical Chemistry as Unit XI (an additional unit) in Chemistry, and the syllabus on Principles related to Experimental Biology as Unit VI (an additional unit) in Biology are notified, after Class 12 syllabus.
All the stakeholders, especially the UG CET 2025 applicants/aspiring candidates, are requested to note this addition of syllabus, one unit on experimental skills in Physics, one unit on principles related to practical chemistry in Chemistry, and one unit on principles related to experimental biology in Biology, and prepare accordingly.
New Additions in KCET 2025 Update
In continuation of the publication of the KCET UG 2025 syllabus for Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Biology, the Karnataka Examination Authority (KEA) has introduced the following additional units:
Unit X: Experimental Skills in Physics
Familiarity with the basic approach and observations of the experiments and activities:
- Vernier calippers-its use to measure the internal and external diameter and depth of a vessel.
- Screw gauge-its use to determine thickness/ diameter of thin sheet/wire.
- Simple Pendulum-dissipation of energy by plotting a graph the square of amplitude vs. time.
- Surface tension of water by capillary rise and effect of detergents,
- Co-efficient of Viscosity of a viscous liquid by measuring terminal velocity of a spherical body
- Speed of sound in air at room temperature using a resonance tube,
- Specific heat capacity of a given (i) solid and (ii) liquid by method of mixtures.
- The resistivity of the material of a given wire using Ohm’s law.
- The resistance of a given wire using Ohm’s law.
- Resistance and figure of merit of a galvanometer by half deflection method.
- The focal length of(i) Convex mirror, (ii) Concave mirror, and (iii) Convex lens, by parallax method.
- The plot of the angle of deviation vs angle of incidence for a triangular prism.
- Refractive index of a glass slab using a travelling microscope.
- Characteristic curves of a p-n junction diode in forward and reverse bias.
Unit XI: Principles Related to Practical Chemistry
- Detection of extra elements (Nitrogen, Sulphur, halogens) in organic compounds;
- Detection of the following functional groups; Hydroxyl (alcoholic and phenolic), carbonyl (aldehyde and ketones), carboxyl, and amino groups in organic compounds.
- The chemistry involved in the preparation of the following: Inorganic compounds; Mohr’s salt, potash alum. Organic compounds: Acetanilide, p-nitro acetanilide, aniline yellow, iodoform
- The chemistry Involved in the titrimetric exercises – Acids, bases and the use of indicators, oxalicacid vs KMnO4, Mohr’s salt vs KMnO4
- Chemical principles involved in the qualitative salt analysis: Cations-Cations: AI3+, Ca2+, Ba2+, Mg2+, NH4+ : Anions- CO2–, SO2- , NO3-, CI–, Br– (Insoluble salts excluded)
- Chemical principles involved in the following experiments: Enthalpy of solution of Cuso4 and enthalpy of neutralization of strong acid and strong base. Kinetic study of the reaction of iodide lons with hydrogen peroxide at room temperature.
Unit VI: Principles Related to Experimental Biology
- Study and describe the locally available common flowering plants of the family (Solanaceae) including dissection and display of floral whorls and anther and ovary to show number of chambers. Types of root (Tap and Adventitious); Stem (Herbaceous and woody); Leaf (arrangement, shape, venation, simple and compound).
- Preparation and study of T.S. of dicot and monocot roots and stems (primary).
- Study of distribution of stomata in the upper and lower surface of leaves
- Test for the presence of sugar, starch, proteins and fats and to detect them in suitable plant and animal materials.
- Separation of plant pigments through paper chromatography.
- To study the rate of respiration in flower buds/leaf tissue and germinating seeds.
- To test the presence of urea in urine.
- To detect the presence of sugar in urine/blood sample.
- To detect the presence of albumin in urine.
- To detect the presence of bile salts in urine.
- Study pollen germination on a slide.
- Preparation and analysis of pedigree charts.
- Collect water from two different water bodies around you and study them for presence of any living organisms.
- Study of plant population density and population frequency by quadrate method.
- Preparation of a temporary mount of onion root tip to study mitosis.
- Study of the effect of different temperatures and three different pH on the activity of salivary
The inclusion of practical-based units in the KCET 2025 syllabus highlights the importance of experimental learning in science. Aspirants should integrate these additional units into their study plans and allocate time for practical understanding along with theoretical concepts.
Also read: KCET 2025 Registration: Dates, Eligibility & Form Guide
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- Experimental Skills in Physics (Unit X)
- Principles Related to Practical Chemistry (Unit XI)
- Principles Related to Experimental Biology (Unit VI)
- Measurement techniques (Vernier calipers, screw gauge)
- Experimental observations (surface tension, viscosity, speed of sound)
- Electrical properties (Ohm’s law, resistance, galvanometer)
- Optical properties (lenses, mirrors, refraction, prisms)
- Semiconductor devices (p-n junction diode characteristics)
Detection of elements and functional groups in organic compounds.
Preparation of inorganic & organic compounds (Mohr’s salt, acetanilide, etc.)
Titrimetric exercises (acid-base reactions, KMnO₄ titrations)
Qualitative salt analysis (cations & anions)
Chemical principles of enthalpy change and reaction kinetics.
Plant studies (flowering plants, roots, stems, leaves)
Microscopic observations (T.S. of monocot/dicot roots, pollen germination, mitosis in onion root tips)
Biochemical tests (sugar, starch, proteins, fats, urea, albumin in urine)
Ecology-based experiments (population density, quadrat method, water sample studies)
Enzymatic activity (effect of temperature & pH on salivary amylase)
Focus on practical knowledge, experimental techniques, and observation-based questions.
Refer to NCERT practical books and laboratory manuals.
Solve previous year's practical-based questions from NEET/JEE papers.
Not necessarily. The syllabus mainly emphasizes conceptual clarity in practical applications, which can be prepared with proper study.